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Creatinine is a waste product of muscle metabolism that is used during muscle contraction. Creatinine is produced by creatine, which is an important molecule in muscles that functions to produce energy.
Before being removed from the body through urine, creatine must first be filtered by the kidneys. The concentration level of serum creatinine should not change if the kidney function is working well.
If the kidneys have problems, creatinine levels can increase and accumulate in the blood. As a result, various kidney and other urinary system (urological) diseases can also appear.
Therefore, an examination is required to test creatinine levels, both in blood and urine. That way, you can find out how well the kidneys function in filtering or commonly called the glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
The creatinine test serves to test the kidney's ability to filter blood and urine. When kidney function is disrupted, the rate of kidney cleansing will also be disrupted.
The creatinine test is usually also performed in conjunction with other kidney function tests, including the blood urea level (BUN) test. Therefore, a creatinine test is often recommended when a person performs a routine examination.
A creatinine level check may be necessary if you or someone close to you is experiencing symptoms caused by kidney disease, such as:
You may also need this examination if the blood or urine test results show that there is a problem with the kidneys.
In addition, there are several other conditions that can also affect kidney function that may require a creatinine test, which are:
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